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I love to DANCE!!!!!

When there are no words to describe certain feelings, or a sudden burst of excitement, to even an overwhelming obsession for a fills in the picture, captures an essence and adds a vibe, which in turn creates a moving 3-dimensional piece of poetry. There are times when I get lost in choreography as well as in performing; it's just something that comes over me and then boom shit happens. (oh WARNING: there will be cursing throughout my blog probably should have mentioned that before cursing *oopsies*) - oh well, sometimes nothing can put a moment or feeling into perspective like a curse word can.

Back to dancing; to summarize's a release, an expression, a feeling. I love to watch dance, create dance, and perform various dances - all of these forms put a smile on my face. Plus it is such a great cardio substitute (FYI I hate cardio, bleh, so boring!!! I'll share some fun ways I like to switch up my cardio workouts soon).

This Rihanna song Love on the Brain instantly caught my attention when I first heard it and I've had it on repeat ever since! I'm super obsessed!! Everything about the lyrics and Rihanna's vibe inspired the choreo for this song and more specifically why I chose this called to me the loudest...

Everything else about the choreo was just a feeling, while the beginning (up until the chorus kicks in..) is all completely freestyle and the ending (leading into the jump and on) from the when I actually recorded the video. I am quite proud of myself though, as of... up until that part... I had no idea I could even do the splits (remember I discussed in a previous post about overestimating my flexibility, well, that went out the window haha)!!! SO excited though, going to add more stretching into my regular daily routine and maybe I'll be able to do crazier stuff in my dances.

I really hope you find something you can connect with from watching - either in the movement, the lyrics, or just the overall vibe.


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