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Creative fitness can be an array of exercises straying away from the standard weight lifting and cardio-based workouts. For this post, I'll be sharing a workout warm-up I like to do when I feel like switching it up from my normal routine. In fact, many of my fitness posts will explore the idea of creative fitness and what types of workouts I can share to help inspire people to get up, get out, and get fit!

Now I should confess that lately I haven't really been feeling the gym, there has been a lack of motivation and it's starting to actually bring me down...not so much depressed, but more blah because I felt like I wasn't progressing or improving anymore. This got my little wheels a turnin' about how I can spice up my workouts, making them more interesting and difficult. Over time I have learned that if I want to see changes I need to take action and start working towards the goals I wish to achieve (believe me, results or motivation for that matter, are NOT going to just fall in your have to go out and work for them/discover them for yourself).

Personally, I think my recent lack of gym motivation is stemming from the feeling of a stagnant workout. Not too long ago, I started to do more heavy lifting, which I LOVE, but it has become too repetitive from day to day and I have found myself doing the same few exercises over and over again. Besides the occasional Zumba class and my weekly Hip Hop classes (which are unfortunately over until after the holidays) -- I went into the gym, lifted according to my area of focus, and then home...sooo boring!!! Well for me at least haha...I need some excitement! So for the past couple weeks I have been doing more high energy, total body combination exercises as either my warm-ups, filler in between lifting sets, or just as my general workout. This has helped me harness my focus, work on my core and balance, as well as fuel a new fire within me.

My SPARK is back!!!

I have started incorporating TRX exercises, workouts with the medicine ball, ropes, and even different variations of pull-ups to help build my upper body strength and hopefully assist with my journey to a 135lb bench by the new year. I'll definitely be sharing all the ways I'm jazzing up my workouts so please be sure to check back in the future for other fun tips. Below you'll find 3 different total body combos that I used as a warm-up and a description regarding what each workout entails.


This first exercise is a combination of 3 different moves. The first is the double ropes, then alternating ropes, and finally push ups...2 rounds equate to 1 full set (the number of reps can be set by you depending on fitness level and goals - I did 15/30/10x2 for a total of 3 sets). I usually try to put the most difficult or tiring exercise first to really get the blood flowing and heart pumping...not mention it gets me excited for my upcoming workout. Also, I like switching up moves within workouts to add further resistance to the muscles.

TIP: This is very tiring and not get discouraged if you can't complete the whole set, modify it to fit your personal level. You can also remove the push ups and just alternate between the rope variations, which can help you pick up the rhythm of the combo.

Next, I began to target my legs in order to give my arms a bit of a break. Alternating lunges (keeping the lowered knee OFF the floor) drive attention to the glutes, hamstrings, quads, thighs, calves and also the core. Switching from leg to leg while still maintaining a steady pace with the ropes is what makes this exercise difficult, as it requires core strength and balance. This is the exercise that makes me the most sore the following day. I am really able to feel the burn in my legs and arms, giving me the sensation of a total body workout. As far as reps, I usually try to get 10 lunges out of the set, switching when stable and comfortable; completing 5 total sets for this particular exercise.

TIP: Settle into your rhythm with the ropes before jumping into the lunges. This will help you steady your breath as well as gain your composure and center the core. To make this exercise even more challenging you could stand on a BOSU Ball, which can help with improving balance and core strengthening.

Finally, I finished off with some good ol' squats, using the rope for support allowing me to go deeper in my squat without disrupting the rhythm with the ropes. For this portion I tuck my elbows into my side and pull the rope towards my chest (DO NOT PULL YOUR CHEST FORWARDS...THIS COULD PUT UNNECESSARY STRAIN ON THE LOWER BACK AND MAKE IT DIFFICULT TO SQUAT CONTINUOUSLY). During this exercise is when I really start to feel the burn in my legs and arms because they've been thoroughly engaged the entire warm-up, so here is where the push really comes into play. The more tired I feel...the harder I push and more effort I exert into the movement. Also, you could change up the ropes movement in between each squat set or turn the squats into jump squats for further difficulty. Today I did 5 sets comprised of 20 squats each. The squats were split into increments of 5, while the rope swings were split into 8.

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