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Recently I had the chance to take a Cardio Kickboxing class over at UC Riverside and let me just was wonderful!! I was starting to loose some of my fitness motivation, but that does tend to happen once you've been in a routine for a couple years, so it's important to figure out ways to freshen up various aspects of your life. Things can be fixed if they aren't working and not everything needs to be dismissed if it's not working. Re-evaluate the situation and find a new solution that you think will make you happier. For me, I decided to branch out and try new types of workouts, get involved in classes, and meet new people with hopes that everything would come together and inspire me during my personal training time. So far so good though, I'm excited to continue on my journey and I'm unbelievably proud of the results I've achieved up until now...can't wait to see where this fitness adventure will lead me in the future.

Those are some shots from an upcoming post that will be featured later this week. It's about how I turn to nature to recenter myself and calm my mind as well as how I draw inspiration from dance and the way dance makes me feel. I think it will give you all insight to how I view and connect with my surroundings. Keep checking the site frequently for fun new updates, ideas, and posts!

Now let's get to the fitness part...


A great class for all fitness was structured with a single instructor teaching in front and the class following behind. My instructor for the class, Ruby, selected music that kept the heart rate at a 120 - 140 bpm pace throughout the entire class. You picked your intensity level for the class and took breaks whenever needed. There was a fire leg and booty section within the workout that you should keep an eye out for, I was happily sore the day after.

The videos below only showcase a portion of the class and is divided into two parts. Please feel free to join along or get out and find a class in your local area, it will definitely be a good hour of fun...if nothing else.



You really do get a great overall body workout and the cardio is substantial. It challenges your endurance and the moves/sequences constantly cause you to push yourself further and further each time. Plus the poppin' music always helps too! I hope this encourages you all to try a new workout or think of a creative twist to put on one of your go-to exercises. After all, your dream body and lifestyle starts with you!!


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