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I have a YouTube channel now...links are everywhere, but this is the only video on there at the moment. Although, I will be using the channel to share choreo, more fitness videos and all other kinds of fun, inspiring content.

On to the AAAABBBSSS...........Now, it is true abdominal definition is primarily created in the kitchen. However, ab exercises allow you to strengthen and build you're core muscles, which help correct posture as well as increases stability during balancing movements. Throughout this post I will share five poses that engage the core and challenge your balance skills.

"A strong core will improve your technique, strength & stamina, and compliment everything you do." - Susan Trainor (LesMills)



I'm sure most of you are no stranger to this move, but question is...are you actually incorporating it into your workout? Poses like these that are stagnant and controlled are great for cool down or initial warm-up moves because the muscles are all still hard at work, but your heart rate is not at an elevated pace.

For this move you want to make sure to keep your booty down and flatten your back as much as possible leaving your head in a neutral position as not to strain the neck. My shoulders are either directly above or slightly over my elbows, while I work to tuck my hips under so I can target my lower abs as well. Sometimes I also add alternating hip movements (think of trying to tap your hip bone to the floor while still squeezing your abs) from side to side, which gets the oblique muscles involved. There are actually many extra moves that can be added to this plank position to add a higher difficulty level and further engage more areas of the body.


Next, the plank with alternating leg raises, which targets not only the core but the glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, and arms as well. I personally use this workout a lot in my own daily routines...usually adding push ups in between the leg raises or bringing my knee to its opposing elbow and then back to the leg raise after. By adding the extra crunch I am now engaging my abs in a different way that focuses on working the obliques and lower back.

Within my own workout, I use this exercise in between heavier lifting workouts to give the other areas of my body a minor break from the heavy weight. I also feel that it helps move my workout along faster and ultimately make it more effective in a shorter amount of time I can be in and out of the gym within 45min to an hour and would have enjoyed a solid workout. It's definitely all about how your combining exercises that helps get you visible results.


This pose is a little bit more tricky than the other two as it requires more balance and core strength. Make sure to lift the hip that's closest to the floor trying to create a nice diagonal line with your entire body...from head to toe. Also work towards getting your shoulder on top of your wrist, creating a straight line.

Believe me...this exercise does work on the core, you can even add a dipping motion (placing hand on hip for support) keeping the obliques and hips active. There are also other variations of this move I'm sure I'll feature sometime in the future.


I must be honest and say that even I have trouble with this move. Just taking this picture was a really...this is absolutely one of those "practice makes progress" moves, but I've been practicing and my form is slowly getting better. *insert happy dance*

The most difficult part about this exercise, well for me at least, is maintaining balance while lifting my leg and also trying to keep my hip up as not to break the body alignment. To get myself through it I take each move one step at a time. First, I get into the "side pose" position focusing on my form, then once in place I begin to turn my attention to my breath, remembering to remain calm and centered. Next I'll begin working towards raising my leg to a height that's comfortable (and might I mention I can be the first to attest to thinking I'm much more flexible than I actually am, but if I get too out of control I immediately lower my leg back down on top of the other and recollect my thoughts, my body, and my breathing...then try again, and again, and again....and again...and......again...catch my drift?


Great exercise, one of my personal favs...I'm starting to realize all my favorite exercises are really difficult, especially now that I've had the time to sit down and explain it all in a detailed manner.

I am literally blowing my own mind right now...

Well in regards to this exercise it is important to note that you must lift/fold from the core and try your hardest not to use your legs or arms for momentum to power you up into the final hold. It is also important not to round your back because it will take the tension away from your abs and put strain on your lower back. As you can tell by my face, this ish takes some hard work and practice. In my video at the top of the page, you'll notice this exercise was done in a repetitive motion using my hands for stability. This would also be an excellent way to practice this hold and learn how to pull from your core without straining other areas of your body. To work on balance as well as add more difficulty to the move... you can sit on top of a BOSU Ball (one of those half-looking stability balls) to improve on balance and add further resistance to your abdominal muscles. One thing to remember is that any move, no matter how difficult it may seem, can be achieved with hard work, dedication, and practice, practice, practice!!!!!

I encourage all of you to get out there this weekend and try something new or even something you've always thought about it!!! Get up, get out and do it...have fun, be kind, and love yourself because this is what will motivate you to be more active, stay in contact with friends or relatives, be less angry or stressed on a daily basis, and just genuinely enjoy life!!!!!


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