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Updated: Dec 20, 2018

So what exactly is style? What if I don't have designer labels or am not a size 2...does that mean I don't have style? Well...surprise, surprise you don't need any of those to be or more importantly, feel stylish in your own skin and clothing.

"Style is a particular, distinctive, or characteristic mode of action or manner of acting." -

The way you present yourself in the clothes you have on, or how you put them together, as well as how you treat people or even how hard working you may be...these are all distinct characteristics specific to each individual. Every single one of those elements, plus others, helps create your personal style. In fact, you probably already have one and don't even realize or just haven't thought about it. Think of it as the vibe you give off to others, which is something you're always doing...including subconsciously.

There definitely isn't one set style I wear every day, but my personal demeanor, I believe creates a vibe that unifies all of my looks even if they range from boho, to more urban, to more classic...the simple fact that I'm the one wearing them makes them part of my personal style.

Now to describe my personal style, well that's definitely difficult, as I'm sure some of you have trouble doing so also. Many have told me I have an edgy ease about my mannerisms, which often translates into my clothing. To build this type of attitude, I would have to say didn't start until I came to college. I started to really pay attention to how various women presented themselves, how they spoke, and what caught people's attention. You want to know what I found all leads back to CONFIDENCE. All of the women I have admired, including my mother and grandmother, all have a personal self-loving confidence about them that people are instantly drawn towards. When you hear someone talk about that extra "spark" this is what they're talking about and it can only be found from within yourself.

I would have to say I found my confidence from a multitude of things, but I really started to get more in tune with myself once I began my fitness journey in 2011. This is where everything changed for me and I blossomed into the woman I am today. Through fitness, I have not only learned to love my body, but also I have figured out just how much it's capable of and how far it can be pushed. I surprise myself almost everyday with some of the things I am able to do, and I think more people should be experiencing this incredible sensation as well. Inspire yourselves, motivate your own mind, body, and soul because I can tell you now in your darkest will be turning to yourself before going to friends or family.

Do things on your own, try new food, talk to a neighbor or classmate about their day...building confidence is all about learning about yourself and then in turn being comfortable and accepting with the things you've discovered; what you like, dislike, what turns you on or makes you smile....these are important in life and ultimately in maintaining true happiness.

I am proud of who I am today, how I present myself to others I think portrays exactly who I am on the inside. Through everything I have experienced in life...the good and the bad...I have come to embrace my imperfections as a part of my beauty, reflect kindness onto others in hopes of brightening their day as well as mine, and have come to understand that I am the only one who can be held responsible for my own happiness, which begins with building CONFIDENCE that shines through myself and creates my personal(ity) style.


Gray Bomber Jacket ( $30

Navy Leggings (Forever 21): $5

Black Sports Bra (Target): 2 for $25

Black & Gray Floral Hat (LA County Fair): $10


I truly hope each person that reads this post is able to boost their confidence in some way this week, even if it's just a slight little nudge towards a hopeful future...anything helps. Everyday won't be easy, I mean this is a task that takes patience, time, hard work, dedication, blood, sweat, tears...and all the other cliche and corny things you can think of to add to the list. This takes every part of you because it is are dumb as that may sound it is probably the truest piece of information you know.

Soooo....embrace yourself, love yourself, feed yourself positive energy and then share those good vibes with anyone around you. Sharing is one of the most selfless things you can do and what's more selfless than sharing the good parts of yourself with everyone?

Now fly are all capable of greatness!


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